Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pakistan and Afghanistan: Bound by Age-Old Links


Address in reply to the speech made by the Ambassador of Afghanistan at the time of presenting Credentials: May 8, 1948
Your Royal Highness!
It gives me very great pleasure indeed to welcome you today as the first Ambassador from Afghanistan. The Government and people of Pakistan greatly appreciate the action of His Majesty the King of Afghanistan in sending to us an Ambassador from the Royal family of Afghanistan. We hope and trust that with a Representative of Your Royal Highness's distinction and experience the age-old links which bind our two peoples will be further strengthened thus paving the way for a bright and happy future for both our countries.
Your Royal Highness has rightly referred to the natural bonds of friendship and affection, which bind the people of our two countries. It could hardly be otherwise as these bonds are based on ties of faith and culture and common ideals. With such powerful bonds already in our favour we cannot, I feel, fail to bring the people of our two countries closer towards each other and closer than they were before the birth of Pakistan.
As a newborn Sate, Pakistan desires nothing so ardently as the goodwill of the world. Its people are determined to work with heart and soul in the task of consolidating their new liberty and while so engaged in this great task they will be deeply conscious of the help and co-operation extended to them by the other States of the world, particularly at this moment. We are indeed glad that we have amongst us today a distinguished representative of our closest neighbour, and, Pakistan, I am sure, very much appreciates the message of good wishes Your Excellency has brought to us.
Your Royal Highness can rest assured that in striving to cement the bonds of friendship that already exist between our two peoples and my Government will give you all possible help and co-operation. Coming as you do as a representative of the great Muslim nation, you are most welcome to us and we hope and trust that you will be able to discharge your duties successfully in the light of your good wishes and sentiments for Pakistan.
I hope that your Royal Highness's stay in Karachi will be very happy and comfortable.

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