Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Selfless Devotion To Duty


Address to officers and men of the 5th Heavy Ack Ack and 6th Light Ack Ack Regiments in Malir: February 21, 1948
As I stated while addressing the Naval Officers and men the other day, the best way in which we can serve the cause of peace and the ideals of the United Nations Organisation is by making ourselves strong so that no power may dare harbour any aggressive designs against us. We have won the battle for Pakistan's freedom but the grimmer battle for the preservation of that freedom and building it on a firmer and sounder basis is still in progress and that battle has to be fought to a successful conclusion if we are to survive as a great nation. Nature's inexorable law is 'the survival of the fittest' and we have to prove ourselves fit for our newly - won freedom. You have fought many a battle on the far-flung battle fields of the globe to rid the world of the Fascist menace and make it safe for democracy. Now you have to stand guard over the development and maintenance of Islamic democracy, Islamic social justice and the equality of manhood in your own native soil. You will have to be alert, very alert, for the time for relaxation is not yet there. With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.
In this machine-age when the misdirected genius of man forges new engines of destruction everyday, you have to keep abreast of the times and keep your knowledge and equipment up to date - not because we have any evil designs against any of our neighbours but because our own security demands that we should not be caught unaware. There is nothing that we desire more than to live in peace and let others live in peace and develop our country according to our own lights without outside interference and improve the lot of the common man. This in no doubt going to be an uphill task but if we are determined to work earnestly and sincerely, and are willing and ready to make sacrifices for the collective good of our nation, we shall soon achieve the aims and the end we have in view.
Pakistan Zindabad!

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